Music video for "Get A Star" by Undo K From Hot. Shot on Arri Alexa 35 with Panavision Primo Prime lenses.

Director: Arran ANYRIN Bowyn @freedomfromwantandfear
Talent: Troy James @twistytroy
Director of Photography: Grant Cooper @grantcooperdp
ProdCo: Merchant @merchant.hq
EP: Ian Webb @enwebb
HOP: Colin Walker @colinwalker
Producer: Peter Widdrington @peter_widdrington
1st AC: Eric Schweiger @ericschweiger
Gaffer: Nate Belgrave @natebelgrave
Grip: Lucy Mahoney @000.lucy
BTS/PA: Callum Sheedy @jaw_jones

Studio: Moonlight Studios @moonlight_rentals
Studio Rep: Sava Terehoff @savaterehoff

Offline Editorial: Cut+Run @cutandrunedit
Editor: Gary Knight

Color Finishing: Apache @apachecolor